The student life of Ariel, Rapunzel, Elsa, and Anna officially end today. They are going to graduate from college and they want to celebrate this important milestone. What about a party on the beach? Enjoy a party all night long on the beach is a perfect idea. Let’s deploy this plan right now. Can you help them? With your helping hands, 4 Disney princesses will have a memorable party ever.
Dress up is your first mission at friv play.They need to be transformed into 4 stunning beach girls. You choose for each princess a suitable item from 4 categories including outfit, hairstyle, footwear, accessories. You should create a different combination of these fashion items for each princess.
They should be unique. No one wants to overshadow the others. Mix and match a long dress, a new hairstyle, a pair of high heels, and a headband for each princess. They look awesome. Your world doesn’t finish yet. You also have to prepare for the party. Choose a rub with ice patterns, 4 glasses of red wines, and a large umbrella so they can hide from sunlight.
On, they are going to stay all night long and share everything with each other, so they need 4 soft pillows to lay down whenever they want. All the stuff they need is well-prepared. Do you want to join them? Don’t forget to discover a huge collection of games on our site. Some of the choices you should try first are Princesses Become Magical Creatures and Anna's First Room Desig.
Controls: Dress up for 4 princesses and prepare stuff for the party by using your mouse.