

Yorg.io GamePlay:

Yorg.io is a unique and addictive IO game combined with strategy and survival elements. You may haven’t played a game like this before for sure. In this game, you enter a large map full of other players around the world and valuable resources. The first thing you have to do is to find a perfect spot to locate your base. It must be a place where you can easily harvest different kinds of resources. Here, your goal is to build a solid base to defend yourself and attack zombies at night. They will come to you when the sun sets.

There are several towers and buildings for you to choose and build. Each of them has a different function. At Friv free games, you place crystal mines to harvest as many resources as possible because your towers need the resource to function. However, you must notice that your mines must be connected to your base because the resources need to be transferred to your base. If they are not connected to your base, you must place a transporter. when you have enough resources, you must build more buildings and build walls around your base and defensive towers to defend against zombies on http://m.friv.land/.

Each kind of resources helps you buy a new special stuff. For example, you can produce cannon balls with iron, craft arrows with wood and more. At the moment your base is destroyed by the zombies, you lose. Building at day and defend as well as try to survive as long as possible at night. How many days can you survive? Check it out! If you want to find various choices of IO games, you have a ton of options to immerse yourself for hours such as SnowWars.io and Gulper.io.

How to play: Use your mouse to place towers and buildings.

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